CCI-ENV: Complexity and Critical Infrastructures - Environment focus 
Informatics CRN Workshop

Date and Location

9th June 2008, 10-4pm
Venue: Room UG40, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham

Aim and Summary

The role of information systems in critical infrastructures is a major theme in interdisciplinary research and has recently been the subject of several high profile calls for proposals. The reliability of such infrastructures requires understanding of the complex interacting subsystems on which they depend. The CCI-ENV workshop will focus on complex systems in the environment. The morning session will give some examples of the current state of the art in modelling and data collection for specific environmental subsystems. The afternoon session will present some computational methods and technologies to address the requirements of modelling, management and data analysis as well as to provide new ways of understanding dynamical systems.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide an informal and relaxed atmosphere in which new interdisciplinary conversations and collaboration ideas can develop.


10:00 - 10:15: Arrival and coffee
10:15 - 10:30:  Welcome and Introduction, Dr Georgios Theodoropoulos, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham

Environmental Complex Systems

10:30-11:00   "Environmental Sensing for Engineering Applications", Professor Chris Baker, Professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingam
11:00-11:30:  "Atmospheric turbulence and pollutant dispersion - from modelling to simulation", Dr Xiaoming Cai, Climate and Atmosphere Research Cluster,  School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham
11:30-12:00   "Agent-based models, forest, hydrology and subsistence farming", Dr Mike Bithel, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
12:00-12:30:  "Systems Biology", Professor John Heath,  Head of School of Biosciences,  Director of the Centre for Systems Biology, University of Birmingham

12:30-13:30 : Lunch

Methods and Technologies

13:30-14:00 "Distributed and Data Driven Simulation" Dr Georgios Theodoropoulos, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
14:00-14:30  "Machine Learning and Data Analysis", Dr Peter Tino, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
14:30-15:00  "Modelling multilevel dynamical systems", Professor Aaron Sloman, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham

15:00 Coffee and informal discussion

16:00 Close

Page maintained by G. Theodoropoulos. Last update: 30/05/2008